Singapore’s first ever “Career Stories” writing competition is here…and the theme is #MyCareerJourney.
Are you an undergraduate or young working professional who’s eager to share your career stories to inspire fellow job-seekers in Singapore?
Well, you’re in luck!
We are looking for interesting personal stories in a written article format to share about your experience and reflection. We're awarding the top story of the month with $200 cash!
Here are the possible topics and prompts:
My Internship Experience
Tell us about your internship experience (at which company)
What are the greatest lessons or takeaways from your internship?
Weirdest thing you had to do during your internship?
What challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
My Post Grad Job Search
Tell us the difficulties or challenges you had during your post grad search!
What would you do differently if you could do it again?
Who did you turn to? What platforms did you use?
Expectations vs Reality for my First Job
What were some of the unexpected things you experienced in your first job?
Extra points for memes.
Official Submission Guidelines
Participation limit: Each person can submit one article for each of the three topics.
Recommended Word Count: 600 - 1200 words
Posting on LinkedIn: Please follow the steps below for the posting guidelines.
How to Post on LinkedIn:
Post on LinkedIn using your own profile by using the “Write an article on LinkedIn” option in your news feed (refer to general publishing guidelines)
At the beginning of your article (below the headline), do insert the following excerpt: “The following article is written in conjunction with Singapore’s Career Stories 2019 Writing Competition on the theme of #MyCareerJourney organized by @CareerSocius.
When publishing your article to your network, select “Anyone” for the viewing access, and tag CareerSocius and add the following hashtags in your own customized caption: #MyCareerJourney #CareerStories
Writing Tips & Advice
Write quality headlines - be specific and clear (avoid usage of jargon), spark interest with a unique touch, and try to include emotional or power words. Consider using this free headline analyzer: https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer)
Use eye-catching and relevant images - high-quality, captivating images can help improve the readability of your article, especially for your cover image. If you have an original photo to accompany your article, by all means use it. If you are using images from an external source, make sure you have the rights to use it. Consider using free copyright images from Unsplash or Pixabay.
To qualify, your article needs to be written by 30th of November and we only accept articles written by individuals residing in Singapore or Singaporeans studying/working abroad.